An explanation
Let’s face it any restrictive diet will work, weight loss is a simple equation.
Calories in – Calories burnt, as basal metabolic rate and exercise = weight loss or gain
But what is important is how those calories are made up.
Research is now showing us that our meals should be made up of whole fruits and vegetables, full fat milk and cheeses, whole grains – nothing white or processed.
Important fats and oils such a coconut, rapeseed or olive oil are full of essential fats such as omega 3 we need for health, but we have been told to avoid these for so long, by using low calorie chemical sprays instead.
For too long we have all turned to low fat, fat free foods that are full of chemicals and they don’t actually hit that spot – which sounds nicer?
A 125ml pot of low fat strawberry yoghurt or a lovely bowl of 100g thick creamy Greek yoghurt with sliced fresh strawberries and maybe just a few seeds sprinkled on top.
So yes you save calories with the low fat yoghurt, but what about taste, and micronutrients.
Greek yoghurt is a real power hit with proteins, fatty acids and minerals.
I know which I would prefer.
So calories restriction is the way to lose weight, eating wholesome natural foods
The other new way of thinking is something called TRE – those of you who have done my 7 day plan will be familiar with this already.
TRE = Time restricted eating
Remember the old adage you shouldn’t eat after 6pm.
Well there is some truth in that. Research is showing we need to allow our stomach to actually reset, to empty itself. During this phase our body does most of its repair.
We use the nutrients we put in to our body to repair it when we are resting, by not allowing the digestive system a break those nutrients are not used as efficiently as they should be.
The optimum fasting time seems to be between 8-14 hours, which may sound difficult, however, that means after your dinner you eat nothing again until breakfast.
Not as hard sounding is it?
You finish your evening meal at 7pm – you have nothing that has calories until your breakfast at 7am the following day – see 12 hours done.
During this time drink freely, preferable no calorie drinks, no sugar or sweeteners. Tea and coffee both are allowed,
(you can add a splash of milk if you really need to)
But make water your new best friend.......
carry on to the principles page
Read everything carefully